Location Based Services: from Estonia to the World - Tartu Ülikooli Kohvik 18:00

Meil on hea meel teatada, et 2. novembril Tartu Ülikooli Kohvikus kell 18:00 toimub järgmine Mobile Monday üritus: "Location Based Services: from Estonia to the World".

Seekord keskendume me asukoha ja mobiilside tehnoloogiate lõikumispunktidele, täpsemalt asukohapõhistele teenustele. Me vaatleme, mis seisus on Eestis arendatavad LBS teenused ning millised on meie võimalused nendega läbi lüüa Euroopas või maailmas üldisemalt.

Samuti korraldame me ürituse lõpus avatud paneeli asemel workshop'i. Workshop'i oleme korra kevadel proovinud ning kõik kohalkäijad veendusid, et see oli märksa lahedam ning kaasakiskuvam kui meie tavapärased avatud vestlusringid. Seekordse workshopi grupijuhtideks on eriala eksperdid Tartu kohalikest LBS teenuseid arendavatest ettevõtetest (Nutiteq, Positium, Regio, ja Mobi).

Palun registreerige üritusele 1. novembri õhtuks aadressil: http://files.momoestonia.com/contact.html osavõtt on tasuta.

Ürituse töökeel on Inglise keel ning ajakava järgmine:

18:00 - 18:20 "Challenges of Estonian IT developments in World Context" - Marek Tiits, Institute of Baltic Studies
18:30 - 19:15 "Estonian mKlaster" short introduction by Rene Tõnisson, Baltic Innovation Agency + 10min demos from the mKlaster companies: Positium, Nutiteq, Mobi, and Regio.

19:15 - 19:30 Refreshment break

19:30 - 19:45 "EMT LBS yesterday, today, and tomorrow" - Argo Kivilo, R&D Manager, EMT
19:45 - 20:30 The Workshop on LBS. It will consist of following topics / groups:
  • "How to improve and export Estonian Public Sector m-solution" - Lauri Kinkar, Mobi
  • "How could we better benefit from Location Based Services in daily context" - Anne Jääger, Regio
  • "How to reach breakthrough for new LBS services" - Jaak Laineste, Nutiteq
  • "Location-based Advertisement, what is it and do we need it?" - Margus Tiru, Positium

The groups will have 5min to present their workshop results.

20:30 ~ Refreshments and informal networking as always :)

Üritust toetab Eesti mKlaster. mKlastri projekti peamiseks eesmärgiks on tõsta Eesti m-teenuste arendamisega seotud ettevõtete konkurentsivõimet välisturgudel. M-teenustena käsitletakse käesoleva projekti raames peamiselt teenuseid, kus teenuse üheks komponendiks on mobiilsete seadmete kasutaja asukoht ning asukohaga seonduvad teenused/valdkonnad. Projekti otsib vastuseid küsimusele, miks pole õnnestunud Eestis välja töötatud innovatiivseid lahendusi eksportida suuremas mahus välisturgudele.


Ülikooli Kohvik
Ülikooli 20,
51007, Tartu
(kaarti vaata all pool)

We are happy to announce our next Mobile Monday event on 2nd of November at 18:00 in Tartu Ülikooli Kohvik. The title of the event will be this time: "Location Based Services: from Estonia to the World".

As the title suggests, this time we'll focus on the intersection areas of locality and mobile technologies. We'll have a look where Estonia stands with Location Based Services (LBS) and what could be our chances to make it with LBS in Europe and the World in general.

This time we'll end the event like in spring with a workshop, like last time, it proved itself to be even more fun and engaging as our usual open panel discussions. The workshop groups will be guided by the professionals from the field of LBS from local Tartu companies (Nutiteq, Positium, Regio, and Mobi).

Please register for the event at until evening of November the 1st: http://files.momoestonia.com/contact.html entry is free.

Language of the event is English and schedule as follows:

18:00 - 18:20 "Challenges of Estonian IT developments in World Context" - Marek Tiits, Institute of Baltic Studies
18:30 - 19:15 "Estonian mKlaster" short introduction by Rene Tõnisson, Baltic Innovation Agency + 10min demos from the mKlaster companies: Positium, Nutiteq, Mobi, and Regio.

19:15 - 19:30 Refreshment break

19:30 - 19:45 "EMT LBS yesterday, today, and tomorrow" - Argo Kivilo, R&D Manager, EMT
19:45 - 20:30 The Workshop on LBS. It will consist of following topics / groups:
  • "How to improve and export Estonian Public Sector m-solution" - Lauri Kinkar, Mobi
  • "How could we better benefit from Location Based Services in daily context" - Anne Jääger, Regio
  • "How to reach breakthrough for new LBS services" - Jaak Laineste, Nutiteq
  • "Location-based Advertisement, what is it and do we need it?" - Margus Tiru, Positium

The groups will have 5min to present their workshop results.

20:30 ~ Refreshments and informal networking as always :)

The event is sponsored by Estonian mKlaster project whose aim is to increase the competitiveness and export potential of Estonia companies active in m-service development. M-services in the current project are defined as services which are based and connected to the location of the user of certain mobile devices. The project tries to find answers to the question: why hasn't it been possible to export on broader scale innovative solutions developed and implemented in Estonia.


Ülikooli Kohvik
Ülikooli 20,
51007, Tartu


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