Next Mobile Monday - 2nd of November in Tartu

Meil on hea meel teatada, et paigas on järgmise Mobile Monday kuupäev. 2. novembril toimub Tartus Ülikooli Kohvikus kell 18:00 Mobile Monday: "Location Based Services: from Estonia to the World".

Seekord võtame vaatluse alla asukohapõhised teenused (LBS). Käsitleme hetkeseisu Eestis ja mujal, tutvustame kohalikke tegijaid ning suuname pilgud ka tulevikku.

Täpsem ürituse kava on koostamisel, nii et jälgige infot siin ja ajakirjanduses.

Üritust toetab Eesti m-Klaster.

Next Mobile Monday will take place in Tartu on 2nd of November at 18:00 in Ülikooli Kohvik, as usual. The topic will be: "Location Based Services: from Estonia to the World"

We are happy to let you know that the next Mobile Monday will be all about the Location Based Services (LBS) - current status of LBS in Estonia and elsewhere, future trends and how can Estonian companies go abroad with their services.

The final schedule of the event is not fixed yet - follow this page or media to know more soon.

The Event will be sponsored by the brand new Estonian m-Cluster project.
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