It was a great MoMo event in Helsinki: "Best in Mobile Europe: Estonia"
We had a great Mobile Monday event in Helsinki. Molly Mallone's fitted a comfortable amount of mobile enthusiasts, industry people, and free beer. The Estonians where a hit, raising eyebrows and discussions.

The audience in Helsinki was quite similar to Estonian crowd - mostly quiet but good-hearted, engaging into fair amount of questions, and spontaneous laughter. The atmosphere was maybe even more relaxed and filled with familiarity than our local events here in Tallinn and Tartu. There were some 50-60 participants from 30+ companies in total.
The speeches and presentations were well received rising eyebrows here and there and resulting in lengthy discussions afterwards. Audience was impressed by the presenters from Estonia and gave positive feedback. There was even some disbelief when Positium LBS presented their case and results -- this kind of cell-based location-data analysis would be extremely hard to perform in Finland.
Look at the presentations and summary of the event on site. The story about the event in Estonian biggest computer-magazine Arvutimaailm can be found here, and some photos on our flickr stream.
Freejamtv (broadcasting about open source world, openmind innovation, net identity and copyrights) took an interview from Jaak Laineste, the founder and CEO of Nutiteq. You can watch it on their homepage or on Youtube:
We thank all the people in the delegation presenting Estonia on MoMo Helsinki: Priit Salumaa, Sven Kirsimäe (MoMo Estonia), Indrek Petersoo (Ericsson), Jouko Vierumäki (Fromdistance), Jaak Laineste (Nutiteq), Martin Koppel (Fortumo), Margus Tiru (Positium LBS), and Kaido Einama (Arvutimaailm).
We also thank EAS Helsinki and specially Valdar Liive for the support to organize the event and the engagement to tighten the Finnish-Estonian relations.
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