Estonian Mobile Startups - Rocking Barcelona Again!

TaxiPal võitis Barcelonas toimuval mobiilialaste startupide konkursil Mobile Premier Awards innovatsiooniauhinna! Täpsemalt kategoorias: "MPA in Innovation to the Best Early Stage Startup awarded by the MobileMonday Community".

Eelmisel aastal murdis end finaali kahekümne parema hulka Fortumo, ka sel aastal jõudis meie koduvabariigist pärit mobiilistartup finaali, kuid seekord valiti TaxiPal ka MobileMonday Community poolt parimaks varajase staadiumi startupiks innovatsiooni kategoorias.

See ütleb nii mõndagi Eesti küll tillukese, kuid väga tubli mobiilisektori konkurentsivõime kohta - Eestist tulevad lahedad ja head ideed!

Täpsemalt saab lugeda Mobile Premier Awardsi kodulehelt.

There is again a marker of success for Estonian mobile startups - TaxiPal won the "MPA in Innovation to the Best Early Stage Startup awarded by the MobileMonday Community" in Barcelona.

Its now two years in a row when Estonian starups cut through the competition into the finals in Barcelona. Fortumo made last year it into the final 20 startups. This year TaxiPal rocked the stage by winning MobileMonday community hearts at Mobile Premier Awars - this early stage starup got the MoMo community award.

This shows that the small but very innovative Estonian mobile industry generates great ideas - constantly!

Read more at Mobile Premier Awards homepage.
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