MoMo meets Estonian Design Center, 7th of February, 18:00 City Platz, Ülemiste City

MobileMonday'l ja Eesti Disainikeskusel on hea meel teatada, et 7. veebruaril kohtume taas, seekord aga ka koos eesti disaineritega. Me astume oma tavapärasest mobiilisektori liivakastist sammukese eemale ja käsitleme disainiteemasid, mis on aga seotud meie tavapärase valdkonnaga.

Kui me räägime disainist, siis enamus meist peab silmas disaini visuaalseid külgi nagu graafiline disain või huvitavad vormid, mida me näeme kaasaegsetes hoonetes või mööblis. Disain on aga palju rohkemat.

Mobiilside teenused mida me tarbime või see kuidas me oma telefoni igapäevaselt kasutame, räägib kindlat disaini keelt – nimelt toote- või teenusedisaineri soovi järgi kujundada meie käitumis­mustreid või kohandada mingisugust tehnoloogilist uuendust meie igapäevase eluga.

Seejuures ei pruugi me enesele teadvustada, et iga teenuse taga on disainer - et see kindel viis kuidas me kasutame Mobiil-ID'd, on kellegi leib. Samuti, et TaxiPal'i rakenduse nuppude ja sakkide paigutus on professionaalse interaktsiooni-disaineri töö tulemus.

Selliste inimeste töö eesmärk on seada end kasutaja vaatepunkti, et meie kui kasutajate kogemus teenuste või rakendustega muuta meeldivamaks või efektiivsemaks. 7. veebruaril kohtume me nendega isiklikult. Me kuuleme, mida tähendab teenuse või interaktsiooni disain ja kuidas kasutada disainivõtteid, et teha ise paremaid teenuseid.

Seekord on meie programm ja ajaplaan praktilisema sihiga kui tavaliselt, andes sellega osalejale praktilise kogemuse teenusedisaini kontseptsioonide osas. Seda kindlasti MoMo'le kohaselt mõnusas ja vabas keskkonnas.

Üritus on inglise keeles ja registreerumine on kohustuslik:

Koht: Lõõtsa tee 6, Tallinn, Ülemiste City. Kaarti näed all pool.


18:00 – 18:05 Introduction and welcoming words, Priit Salumaa, Co-founder, MoMo Estonia
18:05 – 18:20 A practical warm up exercise (work-shop groups are formed) – Janno Siimar, Creative Director, Partner at Velvet Creative Alliance
18:20 – 18:40 “Drunk & Lost in a Foreign City”, J.Margus Klaar, Partner / Brand Designer at Brand Manual
18:40 – 19:00 Practical exercise continues

19:00 – 19:15 Refreshment break

19:15 – 19:30 “The service design of Mobile-ID” Janno Siimar
19:30 – 19:45 "Petcarebridge from idea to service implementation", Jannus Jaska, Velvet Creative Alliance
19:45 – 20:00 Practical exercise continues
20:00 – 20:20 Presentation of the workshop results.
20:20 – 20:30 Summary

20:30 – 22:00 Networking as usual in a very MoMo-like relaxed environment :)

MobileMonday and Estonian Design Center are proud to announce that on 7th of February we'll meet-up again, and this time together with Estonian designers!

We'll step out of our usual playground - the mobile industry and handle topics of design related to our native mobile field.

When talking about design most of us might consider visual aspects of design like graphical design or weird shapes we happen to see for example in new buildings and furniture. But design is much more.

The mobile services we happen to use or the way we handle our phone talks the language of design - the intention of a service or a product designer to shape our everyday life or behavioral patterns.

While going about our lives or everyday concerns, we might not think that there is a man behind the service design of Mobile-ID or there is a person behind the initial idea how to layout the buttons and tabs for TaxiPal's recent mobile app. But there is – there are designers who's job it is to think from a perspective of an app or service user – how to make the experience less time-consuming, more effective or pleasant.

On 7th of February we'll meet these people in person. We'll see and hear what service or user experience design is about and how we could bend it to our needs to create better and more successful services and apps.

This time the program and schedule of the event will also have a more practical orientation and give you hands-on experience on service design concepts in a fun way MoMo workshops have always worked out.

Registration is mandatory:

Address: Lõõtsa tee 6, Tallinn, Ülemiste City

The schedule

18:00 – 18:05 Introduction and welcoming words, Priit Salumaa, Co-founder, MoMo Estonia
18:05 – 18:20 A practical warm up exercise (work-shop groups are formed) – Janno Siimar, Creative Director, Partner at Velvet Creative Alliance
18:20 – 18:40 “Drunk & Lost in a Foreign City”, J.Margus Klaar, Partner / Brand Designer at Brand Manual
18:40 – 19:00 Practical exercise continues

19:00 – 19:15 Refreshment break

19:15 – 19:30 “The service design of Mobile-ID” Janno Siimar
19:30 – 19:45 "Petcarebridge from idea to service implementation", Jannus Jaska, Velvet Creative Alliance
19:45 – 20:00 Practical exercise continues
20:00 – 20:20 Presentation of the workshop results.
20:20 – 20:30 Summary

20:30 – 22:00 Networking as usual in a very MoMo-like relaxed environment :)


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