Thank you for a great MobileMonday in Tartu!
Tänu kõigile kohaletulnutele ja esinejatele! Esmaspäevne täismaja kinnitas, et mobiiliinimeste kogukond Tartus aktiivne ning meil on põhjust ikka koos käia.
Kokku tuli meid üle 70, mis on Tartu kohta märkimisväärne hulk mobiilitarkvara arenduse huvilisi!Tore oli ka ka näha, et me olime Tartus üks neljateistkümnest 10. detsembril toimunud MobileMonday üritusest maailmas.
Tänud veelkord kohale tulemast ning tänud kõigile kes aitasid korraldada.
Alt leiate kõik esitlused ning ka mõned pildid üritusest.
Thank you all for attending and great thanks for the presenters! The full-house on Monday showed that our community in Tartu is active and we we should come together more often.
We were more than 70 people at the MobileMonday - this is a remarkable number of mobile software development enthusiasts for Estonia.It was also great to see that we were in Tartu one of fourteen mobile monday events held on 10th of December in the world.
Thank you once more for coming and thaks to the organizers.
Find below the presentations and also couple of pictures from the event.
Tartu: "New Trends and Tools in Mobile User Interface Development."new set, a set on Flickr.
Great thanks to our supporters: Department of Business Development at Tartu City Government, Mooncascade, Mobi Solutions.
Great thanks to our supporters: Department of Business Development at Tartu City Government, Mooncascade, Mobi Solutions.
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