First Time in MoMo Estonia History - MobileMonday Summer Grill!

Esimest korda Mobile Monday Estonia ajaloos teeme ühe suvise ürituse: "Summer Grill!". Üritus toimub 4. juuli õhtul kell 18:00 Tartus Antoniuse Õues ning on tavapärasest veel mõnusam. Külla tulevad ka riistvara idufirmade veteranid Silicon Valley'st ja Torontost.

Suviti oleme me küll alati puhanud ning töised asjaajamised ja jutuajamised jätnud pimedamasse aega, kuid meie üks olulisimaid asju on ju mobiilihuviliste kogukond kokku tuua ja miks mitte teha seda ka suvel :)

Seega tuleb meie esimene Suvegrill, kuhu ootame kõiki meie kogukonna liikmeid ja külalisi - joome õlut nagu alati ja grillime. Samuti on meil mõned väga head esinejad (nagu alati) ning tüüpiliselt mõnus seltskond.

Asukoht on aga teine - Ülikoolikohvikus ei saa grillida, seepärast oleme me teisel pool tänavat Antoniuse Õues (Lutsu 3, Tartu).

Kuna meie kodune BuildIT kiirendi on toomas suurepäraseid mentoreid oma programmi kutsume nad ka esinema. Seega kuuleme kõike riistvarastartup'idest. Alates sellest kuidas tõsta raha Kickstarter tüüpi keskkondadest lõpetades tootmisraskustega.

Kõnelejate hulgas on
  • Sariettevõtja, riistvarablogija ja Upverteri CEO Zak Homuth (vaata ning
  • Katherine Hague ShopLocket'ist - üks olulisemast 5 naisest kantavaid vidinaid puudutavas elektroonika sektoris.
  • Lisaks on kohal ka mõned äriinglid ning tutvuda saab ka BuildIT riistvara kiirendi tiimi ja startup'idega.
Kutsuge sõbrad kaasa - üritus on tasuta ja kõigile avatud, küll aga on registreerumine kohustuslik:

Eventbrite - MobileMonday Summer Grill!

Welcome to our Summer Grill at 18:00 on 4th of July at Antoniuse Õu, in Tartu! Yes, for the first time in MoMo Estonia history we'll do a summer gathering. We'll have great guests - seasoned hardware startup veterans from Silicon Valley and Toronto!

We have done our meetups during a darker times of year, but one of our main points is to gather the community of mobile enthusiast and why not in summmer as well! Thus we'll have our first Summer Grill - you are all welcome to join us for a beer and for some grilling.

We'll have as usual couple of very good speakers and (as usual) a great company. The venue is a bit different - we can't set up a barbeque in Ülikooli kohvik, thus we are practically across the street at Antoniuse Õu (Lutsu 3, Tartu).

In this meetup it will be all about hardware and startups: we’ll talk about crowdfunding, hardware startup opportunities, manufacturing challenges and much more! And even if you just recently found out about hardware’s charm - you are more than welcome to join.

Speakers include
  • serial entrepreneurs like open hardware blogger and CEO of Upverter Zak Homuth (see and 
  • Katherine Hague one of the 5 women to watch in wearable technology from ShopLocket ( accompanied by 
  • angel investors and Buildit hardware accelerator team & startups.

Make sure you invite your friends and let other HW enthusiasts know - the event is free and open for everyone, registration is mandatory, though:

Eventbrite - MobileMonday Summer Grill! 

Toetajad / Supporters:  Department of Business Development at Tartu City GovernmentMooncascadeFortumoMessenteMobi Lab.

Note: Buildit Hardware Accelerator just opened call for its second batch with an increased investment with up to 20k euros per team. The 3-month program starts on September 15th, 2014. Applications are open till 20th of July for hardware startups from around the world. Look it up @
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