MobileMonday: Meeting Female Entrepreneurs in Tech

MobileMonday Estonia will get the spring going with a wonderful event devoted to Female Enterpreneurs at the SPARK BizTown, a business support structure for entrepreneurship in South Estonia.

We´ll focus on the stories of the inspiring women entrepreneurs in Tech. Speakers will share their  stories of how to turn ideas into a reality. We'll be looking into industrial automation, software tools, mechanical ergonomics at work spaces and more to be announced.

Time: Monday, April 16 at 6 PM - 9:30 PM

Place: Narva mnt. 3, Tartu. SPARK building, enter from Narva mnt side.

On stage:

Kristi Tölp, CEO at Electromatix. Electromatix started out as a company offering technical solutions in the field of entertainment, but have since focused mainly on the creation of industrial automation.

Triin Kask, Co-founder and CEO at Nevercode. Nevercode is a software company with a vision to unlock technology for everyone who wants to make their ideas come true without the code in between.

Triinu Sirge, CEO at Ergoway, company which helps fulfill the occupational health and safety requirements in other companies.

Kei Karlson, Co-founder at GoWorkaBit, a company that connects thousands of enthusiastic workers with simple temporary job offers from companies in retail, logistics and hospitality.

Seren Eilmann, COO at Buildit Creative, Founder & CEO of Heelosophy

And of course there will be snacks, drinks & networking :)

The event is free and in English, registration is mandatory, though: register here!

Supporters: Department of Business Development at Tartu City CouncilMooncascadeMessenteTartu Business Advisory Services Centre.


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